春季,大地复苏,阳气上升,是万物生长的季节。中医认为,春季与肝脏相应,肝主疏泄,喜条达而恶抑郁。因此,春季养生应以养肝明目为主。推荐食谱有韭菜炒鸡蛋。韭菜性温,味辛,具有温中行气、散血解毒、补肾助阳等功效。鸡蛋营养丰富,富含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素等。将韭菜与鸡蛋搭配,不仅味道鲜美,还能养肝护肝,提升人体阳气。另外,菠菜猪肝汤也是春季的养生佳肴。菠菜富含维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,具有补血止血、通肠导便等作用。猪肝则富含铁、维生素 A 等营养成分,有补肝明目、养血的功效。二者搭配,能有效养肝明目,为春季的身体注入活力。
冬季,天寒地冻,万物蛰伏,是收藏的季节。冬季养生应以温补驱寒、补肾益精为主。羊肉萝卜汤是冬季的暖胃佳肴。羊肉性温,味甘,具有温中健脾、补肾壮阳、益气养血等功效。萝卜则具有下气消食、润肺解毒的作用。将羊肉和萝卜一起炖煮,不仅味道鲜美,还能温补身体,抵御严寒。还有核桃黑芝麻糊,核桃具有补肾固精、温肺定喘、润肠通便的功效,黑芝麻则富含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素 E 等营养成分,有补肝肾、益精血、润肠燥的作用。将核桃和黑芝麻磨成粉,煮成糊,每天食用一碗,能补肾益精,让你在冬季充满活力。
作者简介:梁世杰 中医高年资主治医师,从事中医临床工作24年,积累了较丰富的临床经验。师从首都医科大学附属北京中医院肝病科主任医师、著名老中医陈勇,侍诊多载,深得器重,尽得真传!擅用“商汤经方分类疗法”、专病专方结合“焦树德学术思想”“关幼波十纲辨证”学术思想治疗疑难杂症为特色。现任北京厚德为怀医生集团渐冻症研究中心主任,北京树德堂中医研究院研究员,北京中医药薪火传承新3+3工程—焦树德门人(陈勇)传承工作站研究员,国际易联易学与养生专委会常务理事,中国中医药研究促进会焦树德学术传承专业委员会委员,中国药文化研究会中医药慢病防治分会首批癌症领域入库专家。荣获2020年中国中医药研究促进会仲景医学分会举办的第八届医圣仲景南阳论坛“经方名医”荣誉称号。2023年首届京津冀“扁鹊杯”燕赵医学研究主题征文优秀奖获得者。事迹荣登2024年第四季刊《当代科学家》杂志。
New style of therapeutic diet: A diet recommended by director Liang Shijie, a traditional Chinese medicine expert.
In the flow of time, the four seasons change, and nature plays the rhythm of life with its unique rhythm. Our bodies, like parts of nature, need to be kept in line with natural changes. Director Liang Shijie, a traditional Chinese medicine expert, has carefully planned and brought us a series of seasonal healthy recipes. Let us follow the natural laws of spring growing, summer growing, autumn harvesting, and winter saving to eat a healthy and good body.
Spring, when the earth recovers and the yang rises, is the season for all things to grow. Chinese medicine believes that the spring and the liver corresponding, liver controlling conveyance and dispersion, hi up to and hate depression. Therefore, spring nursing should focus on liver and eye protection. The recommended recipe is fried eggs with Chinese chive. Chinese chive is mild and has a bitter taste, which has the ability to circulate qi in the warm, detoxify blood and detoxify detox, and supplement the kidneys and enhance the sex drive. Eggs are nutritious, rich in protein, fat, vitamins and so on. Combining Chinese chive with eggs not only tastes good, but also protects the liver and enhances the human spirit. In addition, spinach and pork liver soup is also a spring health food. Spinach is rich in vitamins, mineral substances and dietary fiber, with Buxue hemostasia, Tong Changdao, and so on. Pig liver is rich in iron, vitamin A and other nutrients, have the effect of liver eyesight, nourishing. Combining the two can effectively promote liver and eyesight and inject vitality into the body in spring.
Summer, when the sun is like fire and everything is abundant, it is the most productive season. At this time, the human body's yang is external, the yang is within, the qi and blood are active, the skin pores are open, and it is easy to sweat. Summer health care should be focused on relieving the heat and nourishing the heart and mind. Green bean soup is an essential drink in summer. Mung bean is cool and sweet, with the effect of clearing heat and removing toxicity, relieving summer heat and diuresis. Cook a pot of green bean soup and drink it after cooling. It can both clear the heat and relieve the heat, and also replenish the water. There is also a cold dressing of bitter melon, which has a bitter cold taste and has the effect of clearing the heat and detoxifying the eyes. Cut the bitter melon into thin slices, saute it in boiling water and add the right amount of seasoning to cool. The taste is refreshing and is a great summer refreshment. In addition, lotus lily porridge is also a good choice for summer health. Lotus has the ability to calm the heart, strengthen the spleen, and stop diarrhea, while lily has the effect of warming the lungs, stopping cough, and clearing the heart and calming the spirit. Making porridge with lotus and lilies and rice is not only delicious but also refreshing and calming to keep your mind at peace during the hot summer months.
In autumn, the golden wind is crisp and everything is ripe. It is the season of harvest. Chinese medicine believes that autumn and lung corresponding, lung governing qi, Secretary of breathing, hi Run and evil dry. Autumn nursing should focus on nourishing the lungs, nourishing the lining and drying. Sydney silver ear soup is aic autumn health dessert. Snow pear has Runfei cough, Qingre Jianghuo effect, Tremella is rich in colloid, a variety of vitamins and mineral substances, Ziyin Runfei, Yangwei Shengjin role. Stir the cherry and silver ears together with a moderate amount of ice sugar. The taste is sweet and the lungs are excellent. In addition, yam and red date porridge is also a good recipe for autumn health. Chinese yam has the effect of invigorating the spleen and tonifying the stomach, nourishing kidney and essence, and red dates can replenish qi and nourish blood for tranquillization. The two can be paired with porridge, which can both strengthen the spleen and stomach, and also moisturize and dry, providing adequate nutrition for the body in the fall.
Winter, when the sky is cold and everything rests, is the season of collecting. Winter nursing should be mainly based on warmth to cool the cold, kidney to enhance the fertility. Lamb and radish soup is a warm stomach dish in winter. Mutton is warm and tastes delicious, and has the ability to strengthen the spleen in moderation, supplement the kidneys and strengthen the sexes, and promote aspiration and blood. The radish has the effect of breathing and eating, cleaning the lungs and detoxifying toxins. Stir the lamb and radish together. Not only does it taste delicious, but it also warms the body and protects against the cold. There is also walnut black sesame paste, which has the benefits of kidney and sperm maintenance, wheezing and wheezling, and intestinal and bowel circulation, while black sesame is rich in protein, fat, vitamin E and other nutrients, which have the effect of liver and kidney maintenance, sperm maintenance and bowel drying. Grinding walnuts and black sesame into powder and cooking them into a paste, serving one bowl a day, can boost your kidneys and enhance your fertility and keep you energized during the winter months.
In short, the four-season regimen recommended by Director Liang Shijie, a traditional Chinese medicine expert, contains the wisdom of traditional Chinese food therapy. Each dish is carefully matched according to the characteristics of the season and the needs of the human body, not only delicious and delicious, but also able to strengthen the body and prevent disease. Let us follow in the footsteps of the experts, adapt to natural changes, eat properly, and eat a healthy and good body. If the above does not solve your problem, remember to find a reliable Chinese medicine practitioner to treat your pulse.
Author Bio: Liang Shijie is a senior medical practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. He has been engaged in traditional medicine clinical work for 24 years and has accumulated a wealth of clinical experience. Following Chen Yong, chief physician of liver disease at Beijing Traditional Medicine Hospital, affiliated with Capital Medical University, and renowned old Chinese medicine, he has been treated for many years and received great attention. He specializes in the treatment of difficult diseases using "conversational traditional therapy" and special treatments combined with the academic ideas of Jiao Shude and Guan Yubo's ten-level diagnosis.He is currently the director of the Center for Diffusion Research of Dr. Houde Wei Group in Beijing, a researcher at the Shude Tang Institute of Chinese Medicine, and a fellow at the new 3 + 3 project of traditional Chinese medicine flame inheritance in Beijing - a scholar at the inheritance work station of Jiao Shude's protégés (Chen Yong),He is a standing committee member of the International Expert Committee on E-learning and Health Care, a member of the Jiao Shude Academic Heritage Special Committee of the Chinese Association for the Advancement of Chinese Medicine Research, and the first cancer specialist to be included in the chapter of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Culture Research Association. Won the 2020 China Association for the Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhongjing Medical Branch held the eighth session of the Medical Saint Zhongjing Nanyang Forum "Classic Prescription Famous Doctor" honorary title. The winner of the first Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei "Pingui Cup" Yanzhao Medical Research Essay Award in 2023. The story was featured in the fourth edition of Current Scientist in 2024.