
上海外事商务咨询中心 4周前 (02-18) 阅读数 4 #推荐

Switching from a tourist visa or other short-term visa to a work visa is a common demand for many foreigners, especially when they find themselves with an opportunity to work in China. While transferring a visa is not an overnight process, it is not difficult to successfully convert to a work visa as long as you understand the process and prepare the necessary materials.


Here is a detailed guide on how to convert a short-term visa to a work visa, including the steps required, precautions and frequently asked questions.


1. Under what circumstances can a short-term visa be converted into a work visa?


Usually, foreigners with short-term visas such as tourist visas, family visit visas or business visas cannot work directly in China. If a foreigner has found a job in China and the employer is willing to offer him a job, he can work legally through a work visa.


Applicable short-term visa types:


1. Tourist Visa (L visa) : It is commonly used by foreigners who come to China for sightseeing or short-term visits.

1. 旅游签证(L签证):常见于来中国进行观光或短期访问的外国人。

2. Family Visit Visa (Q Visa) : For foreigners who wish to reunite with their Chinese relatives.

2. 探亲签证(Q签证):适用于希望与中国籍亲属团聚的外国人。

3. Business Visa (M visa) : Applicable to foreigners for short-term business activities, such as business negotiations, conferences, etc.

3. 商务签证(M签证):适用于进行短期商业活动的外国人,如商务洽谈、会议等。

How to meet the visa transfer conditions:


1. Foreigners need to find a legal job in China, that is, Chinese enterprises are willing to provide jobs for them, and meet the needs of China's labor market.

1. 外籍人士需在中国找到合法工作,即有中国企业愿意为其提供工作岗位,并且符合中国的劳动力市场需求。

2. Employers need to apply for Foreigner Employment Permit for foreign employees.

2. 雇主需要为外籍员工办理《外国人就业许可证》。

3. Foreign nationals must have skills, education and experience that meet the needs of the Chinese labor market.

3. 外籍人士需具备符合中国劳动力市场需求的技能、学历和经验。

2. Steps for conversion to work visa


Step 1: Find the right job opportunity


Whether you are switching from a tourist visa, a family visit visa or a business visa, the priority is to find a legitimate job. You will need to find a qualified Chinese company or institution that is willing to offer you a formal job position and process a work visa for you.


Step 2: The employer applies for an Employment Permit for Foreigners


Once you have identified an employer, the employer needs to apply for an Employment Permit for Foreigners from the local Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. This process requires the submission of some necessary information, usually including:


- Passports and valid visas of foreign nationals;

- 外籍人员的护照和有效签证;

- Resume and academic certificate;

- 个人简历及学历证明;

- Employment contract or work agreement;

- 雇佣合同或工作协议;

- Company business license and other company related qualifications;

- 公司营业执照及其他公司相关资质;

- Employer's guarantee commitment.

- 雇主的担保承诺。

After the approval of this permit, the employer will receive the alien employment permit, which is an important basis for applying for a work visa.


Step 3: Apply for a work Visa (Z visa)


After obtaining the Foreigner Employment Permit, you can apply for a work visa (Z visa) from Chinese embassies or consulates abroad or the Exit and Entry Administration. Materials to be provided include:


- Valid passport;

- 有效护照;

- Employment permit for foreigners;

- 外国人就业许可证;

- Employment contract;

- 雇佣合同;

- Recent photos;

- 近期照片;

- Relevant education and qualification certification documents;

- 相关学历及资格认证文件;

- Medical examination report (as required).

- 体检报告(根据需要)。

When applying for a work visa, you need to submit your application to the Chinese Embassy or consulate. Normally, visa approval takes 1 to 2 weeks.


Step 4: Apply for residence permit after entry


After obtaining the Z visa, you can enter China and start working. However, the work visa itself is not equivalent to a residence permit, and you also need to apply for a work residence permit to the Chinese exit-entry administration within 30 days of entering the country.


Materials to be submitted include:


- Passport and visa;

- 护照及签证;

- Employment permit for foreigners;

- 外国人就业许可证;

- Employment contract;

- 雇佣合同;

- Proof of residence (e.g. rental contract);

- 居住地证明(如房屋租赁合同);

- Recent photos, etc.

- 近期照片等。

After the work and residence permit is approved, you can legally work and live in China, and it is usually valid for one year, after which it can be renewed.


Third, precautions and common problems


1. Apply before your visa expires

1. 签证到期前及时申请

If your short-term visa is about to expire, you should apply to the relevant authorities for a transfer before the visa expires. It is generally recommended to start preparing for the application process 1-2 months in advance to avoid illegal overstaying due to visa expiration.


2. Restrictions on work visa application

2. 工作签证的申请限制

Not all industries are receptive to foreign workers, especially low-skilled positions. The Chinese government has strict requirements for the recruitment of foreign workers, especially in the fields of high-skilled and in-demand talent. Therefore, when you apply for a work visa, you need to provide sufficient evidence to show that you are qualified to work in China.


3. Employer's responsibility

3. 雇主的责任

Employers need to assume certain responsibilities in the process of applying for a work visa, including ensuring that foreign employees are provided with legal work contracts, and applying for foreign employment permits for employees. The relevant qualifications of the employer and the background of the company will also have an impact on the application result.


4. Visa conversion time and fee

4. 签证转换时间与费用

The visa conversion process may take some time, so it is recommended to submit the relevant application in time before the visa expires. In some cases, applicants may be required to pay a visa fee. Please confirm the specific fee according to the regulations of your local immigration administration or embassy or consulate.


5. Residence requirements after transfer

5. 转签后的居住要求

After obtaining a work visa, foreigners must comply with China's residence regulations. For example, while working, you need to register for residence in your place of residence. If you change your workplace, you need to report to the Immigration Bureau and renew your work visa.


4. Success Stories: How to successfully change from tourist visa to work visa


Case 1: John's successful experience


John, an engineer from the United States, found a technology company in Shanghai willing to hire him before his tourist visa expired. The company helped him apply for an Employment Permit for Foreigners and submitted all the materials required for the work visa. John quickly obtained the Z visa, smoothly entered China and applied for the work and residence permit. Although the whole process took some time, John was able to successfully complete the transition from a tourist visa to a work visa because his work was in line with the Chinese government's "high-tech talent" policy.


V. Summary


Converting a short-term visa to a work visa requires the foreigner and the employer to work together and apply through a compliant channel. The key is to have the right job opportunities, employer support and adequate material preparation. Be sure to submit your application in a timely manner before your visa expires and to comply with China's visa and residency laws. With the right process, you will be able to work legally in China and enjoy your career in China.





